Getting started with GIT on the Command Line

Coming from an SVN versioning system to GIT has been a long strange trip; at first, SVN commands made more sense, like checkout and update, but then when you think about it, they're backward.

Whereas with Git, I'm noticing it's more like *nix CLI commands to deal with files, commits, etc.

Remove a file

#Note pass -r for recursive to remove folder
#Note pass -f to force removal, you can combine these like -rf
git rm filename

Rename / Move a file

git mv filename

Add File or Files for Commit

## Add all files 
git add ./ 

## Add just filenames
git add filename

Commit with message

git commit -m "Useful message"

# Better commit but know your editor it normally opens VIM, NANO, or whatever you setup as EDITOR 
# in your .bashrc or .zshrc
git commit

Pull From Server

# Pulls the currently tracked branch
git pull

Change Branch and Pull From Server

#example git checkout -b < new_branch > origin/< new_branch >
git checkout -b newbranch origin/newbranch

Push to the server, replace master with branch

    git push origin master
    git push remote branch
  • Switch branches

    git checkout branchname
  • Create a tag

  git tag tagname
  git push origin :refs/tags/tagname
  • Push a tag

git push --tags
  • Delete a tag

    git tag -d tagname
    git push origin :refs/tags/tagname
  • Adding Remote Repo

     git remote add **alias** **url**

     git remote add upstream git://
     git fetch upstream
     git merge upstream/develop

There's more, but that'll do for this post.

Highly suggest learning git-flow

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